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If you die without a will in place the ‘rules of intestacy’ will apply. This will mean that your estate will be distributed according to provisions of the Distribution Act 1958 (as amended in 1997). This may mean that your assets end up passing not in accordance to your preference.
Under the Distribution Act 1958 (as amended in 1997), the distribution among the spouse, parents and issue of the deceased is as below:-
If there are surviving spouse, parents and issue, the distribution is:-
If there are surviving spouse and parents only and no issue, the distribution is:-
If there are surviving spouse and issue only and no parent, the distribution is:-
If there are surviving parents and issue only and no spouse, the distribution is:-
Please note:- Issue: Includes children and the descendant of children.
Mirror wills are two separate wills usually made by a couple. These wills are reciprocal and usually appoint the same executors and make the same gifts – they ‘mirror’ each other. If you and your spouse make wills leaving everything to each other and then on to your children these would be simple mirror wills.
A natural person above the age of 18 years old or a Trust Company.
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